


Green Turf Program: The core service package for a beautiful, healthy lawn. Weed control and professional plant food products applied on a regular schedule to provide maximum results.

Fertilization: Specialty fertilizers and micro-nutrient products to promote healthy lawn growth on a wide range of soil conditions.

Weed Control: We specialize in residential, commercial and industrial weed control.

Insect Control: Control of turf damaging insects like sod webworm (lawn moths), grubs, and others that cause problems in all turf types.

Disease Control: Turf diseases are not a problem in all lawns, but when they are we are able to provide safe, effective control.

Tree Care: Insect treatments and disease – as well as diagnosis.

Color Maxx Flowerbed: Fertilization done on a quarterly schedule to enhance the beauty of your landscape.

Fruit Control: We treat Olive trees to control nuisance fruit.


Meet Spraywest Operating since 1979

Adam Steinkraus

Adam Steinkraus has lived in the central valley for more than 24 years and spent half of that as a professional weed control and tree care specialist. Adam’s extensive knowledge of horticulture has aided Spraywest in having the most successful lawn care results in the valley.

Contact Us

Adam Steinkraus
(559) 299-0200 main
(559) 356-8078 cell
Email: spraywest@gmail.com
P.O. Box 2656, Clovis CA 93613

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